As part of our most recent release, we introduced a template that features a new content structure, allowing blocks to be more flexible than ever before. We’ve extended the functionality of each block, allowing end-users to make deeper customizations, allowing for nearly limitless combinations through block settings. This includes the addition of drop shadows, column backgrounds, image overlays, and more.
New, flexible cover blocks
Adjusting blocks with columns
New header functionality
In addition to greater flexibility within content blocks, this new template structure introduces extended form functionality, paragraph and header formatting, and improved navigation on new pages.
Form builder
End-users who select the Default template will have access to the newly released Form Builder. With the Form Builder, end-users will be able to add new single and multi-line fields, rearrange the order of fields, and make in-line adjustments to text.
Paragraph/header formatting
End-users will now able to switch between header and paragraph font formatting with just a few clicks. Adjustments can be made by simply tapping on the string of text, then selecting the font format of choice.
This new feature gives end-users increased flexibility and negates the need for adjustments in block settings.
Global header and footer on new pages
The most recent release includes the automatic addition of headers and footers on each new page. Headers and footers will appear once a block has been added.
While all of these features are available within our Default template, we plan to systematically update each of our existing templates with this new template structure, while simultaneously releasing many new templates in future sprints.
Want to give the new template a shot? Give it a test drive on our demo site by clicking Get Started for Free, then selecting our Default template. We look forward to hearing your feedback!